Blogs and wikis are both easy accessible, you can express your own ideas on them, you can link to other websites and media, and are both good tools on how to stay current. The differences between blogs and wikis is that blogs are more likely to be written by individuals and they are the ones with the control to edit. While wikis are more suited for groups and really anyone can edit the content. The importance of convergence in today’s networked world is so people are able to access things easily and interact. Blogs can we used for collaboration, as shown in the article ” Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid” people were blogging about crime in their neighborhood and the police were able to make an arrest. As stated in the article ” How to use Wikis for Business”, wikis are used for more business purposes. Wikis could also be used as a news bulletin where people can discuss what events and news are happening in a certain neighborhood.