New media gives you access to share whatever you like, whether it’s a status update, a picture or video. When posting you are allowed to pick the option of who is allowed to see what you have posted. But there is always a way around privacy, such as if someone tags someone else in a picture their  profile will come up. Or another example of no privacy that comes along with new media is that websites believe everything is about easy access so you could be looking up anything like clothes, for example and then you could be on Facebook and then there is an advertisement on the side is about that item you were just searching for. According to the article ” The Wild West of Privacy”, there are big companies that collect data on people and then sell to other companies that want to know everything about people from their everyday habits, their health even their finances. It has also become very easy to access medical information. With new media I think comes the scary reality that you could use every privacy setting on your information but it doesn’t really make it private.