Author Archives: bmaresca32

A new type of ” new media” that I would suggest are holograms . They already have the characteristics of new media such as communication, collaboration, community, creativity, and convergence. Holograms are an advanced version of Skype. They can be used in the office to make communication more engaging instead of just video chatting or emailing you will feel more connected with the person. They can be used in the classroom, there are a lot of online classes already but some students feel like they can’t learn without a teacher. So you can have the convenience of an online class but still have the feeling of being in a classroom.

On the wiki I have edited some pages, I edited a page on gaming and education. The post that I want to create is about Toys. I want to create this because toys now and toys from when I was younger have changed so much. I can also discuss how new media has affected toys, with so many games that connect to the internet today. And do these toys that have new media help children’s development or is it bad for them.

File sharing is the ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the internet. P2P file sharing, meaning peer to peer. It is the distribution and sharing of digital media using peer to peer networking technology. It allows people to access media files such as books, music, movies and games. Another example of P2P file sharing is using it to lend out loans. According to the article Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other banks refuse loans and that results in peer to peer lending. The article states “investors make a nice profit, but consumers still get lower rates than they would with a conventional lender because peer-to-peer lending operates like a marketplace.”

Some suggestions I would make using new media would to see it to bring the students and faculty together. Such as using tools like blogs and the wikis to keep everyone updated on events that are happening. It is also good for the classroom, with getting to know people. If blogs and wikis are set up where you have to interact with other people’s work, it’s a push to help you get to know each other. There are many times when people just go to class and literally don’t talk to anyone, but if you see the person that has been commenting on your work that could then start an in person conversation. Another way to use new media is to make some kind of account for every club, team, and group on campus, whether it is an Instagram account, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This way the students and faculty can follow the pages and get updates about all the information these groups have to offer. But is not just for the people that attend the school it can also be useful to the people who are looking into attending or working there, it’s a useful tool to attract new people.

New media gives you access to share whatever you like, whether it’s a status update, a picture or video. When posting you are allowed to pick the option of who is allowed to see what you have posted. But there is always a way around privacy, such as if someone tags someone else in a picture their  profile will come up. Or another example of no privacy that comes along with new media is that websites believe everything is about easy access so you could be looking up anything like clothes, for example and then you could be on Facebook and then there is an advertisement on the side is about that item you were just searching for. According to the article ” The Wild West of Privacy”, there are big companies that collect data on people and then sell to other companies that want to know everything about people from their everyday habits, their health even their finances. It has also become very easy to access medical information. With new media I think comes the scary reality that you could use every privacy setting on your information but it doesn’t really make it private.

I created a Second Life, the avatar I choose doesn’t really look like me. I can go to as different places I want, I can make it that I visit regular places like I do in my everyday life or places I don’t get to go to all the time such as the beach.  I can change anything I want in this life.

second life _001

New Media fosters creativity because it is combining two things, one being new and the other being old. One way new media foster’s creativity is creating mashups. From the article Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of It’s Critters, But Why?  it discusses how YouTube users are making videos of Disney characters such as Bambi, Simba, and Winnie the Pooh and editing them together with rap videos. these videos are taking new popular songs and old popular Disney characters and creating something new. It will being more attention to the popular song and will bring new attention to these old characters.

Virtual worlds can be used in many different ways such as for business, education, entertainment and so much more. According to the article After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Jacki Morie, a virtual designer says “You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing.” The pros of virtual worlds is that you are connecting with people, your avatar could be doing something that you never got the chance to do in real life. In the article Going to the virtual office in Second Life, “companies are increasingly seeking innovative ways of bringing employees together for conferences and meetings remotely.Virtual community Second Life is seeking to tap into that market by creating a new tool that allows businesses to have virtual meetings on their own computer networks.” Businesses are finding new ways for workers to interact. These virtual worlds also provide some kind of support system, the other people in these worlds are all doing the same thing and it forms a connection. The biggest con would have to be that the people aren’t having real life experiences. Virtual worlds foster creativity because you can change the space, such as in Minecraft people are building new places. I think the future of virtual worlds will be advanced, they will look even more life like and people will be able to experience more things in them.

A discussion on Twitter compared to a discussion on blackboard is that on Twitter people’s comments are more accessible to people to reply to. With Twitter because there is only a limited amount of space for writing the responses are short because people have to get straight to the point. While on blackboard there is more room for explanation. I think Twitter and in class discussions are similar because when everyone is talking in a class they tend to make short comments and more people response.

The sites that I compared were Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. All each of these sites you have some kind of news feed or dashboard where you view the things the people you are following or are friends with are posting. You can share pictures and videos on all of these sites. There are direct messages on all sites. Twitter has a limit on how much you can write. Facebook and Twitter are pretty similar because you can write statuses on both. Instagram and Tumblr are more for sharing pictures and videos. You can have discussions on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr can’t have a discussions on Instagram.